Angie Epilepsy Foundation

Empowering lives beyond seizures

Changing the world’s view about epilepsy one step at a time.

What we do

our mission

Provide Healthcare

At our Angie Epilepsy Foundation, we are committed to providing inclusive healthcare for those affected by epilepsy. This includes medication management, regular check-ups, and education to empower individuals to take control of their health.

Advocacy & Support

Our foundation offers a safe and supportive environment for those affected by epilepsy. We provide resources for managing the condition, connecting with others, finding treatment options, and accessing financial assistance.

Creating Awareness

Creating awareness for epilepsy foundations is essential to help those affected by the condition. By spreading the word about the resources available, we can ensure that more people receive the support they need. Join us in our efforts to raise awareness and make a difference in the lives of those living with epilepsy.

Our vision is a world where epilepsy is no longer a barrier to living a full and healthy life

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